Lil Nas X - Out Magazine

The world's leading LGBTQ+ fashion and lifestyle brand for over 30 years.

The leading LGBTQ+ news source in the U.S. for over 55 years.

The Millennial and Gen Z epicenter of LGBTQ+ video, music, and editorial content.

Joel Kim - Out Traveler

The ultimate travel companion for intrepid LGBTQ+ adventurers.

Trinity K. Bonet - Plus Magazine

Focused on the mind, body and spirit of HIV+ people.

Advocate Channel

Advocating for All



  • The buying power of LGBTQ+ adults is $1.4 trillion in the U.S. and $3.9 trillion globally (The Pride Co-op Q+ Report 2022 / LGBT Capital 2020)

  • 85% of LBGTQ+ people report that they have used a video streaming service in the last 30 days, compared with 74% for the general population (Nielsen 2021)

  • 42% of LGBTQ+ have a household income of over 75k (Nielsen 2021)

  • More than 40% of LGBTQ+ streamers spend 3 or more hours per day on social media and are 44% more likely to have spent 5+ hours a day on social media. (Nielsen 2021)

  • 67% of LGBTQ+ couples chose mostly LGBTQ-friendly vendors and some LGBTQ-identified vendors. (Gay wedding institute in partnership with Community Marketing Insights 2018)



We reach more users per month than any other LGBTQ+ media brand, including:

  • 7.8MM+ monthly unique users (Google Analytics)

  • 3.5MM+ fans and followers on social media (All social platforms combined)

  • 1.7MM Facebook fans

  • 690K Twitter followers

  • 850K Instagram followers

  • 1.7MM+ print readership

As of January 2023

equalpride’s digital audience is:

  • 6X more likely to have completed graduate school

  • 2.6X more likely to be having a baby in the next 12 months

  • 2.3X more likely to be a millennial

  • 2.3X more likely to use social media daily

  • 2.2X more likely to get married in the next 6 months

  • Has an average household income of $78,000

Comscore Apr 2022


equalpride brings the power of the LGBTQ+ audience to hundreds of the world’s largest companies and most visible brands.

equalpride Clients_Partners in Pride


equalpride partners with some of the most prominent charitable LGBTQ+ organizations in the United States. We are committed to advancing LGBTQ+ equality, raising awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, and supporting LGBTQ+ youth. 

equalpride Non-profit Partners